Terms of Purchase - Subscription

When you purchase a subscription from us, you are purchasing the ability to park your vehicle at the location you selected (and to any other locations specified at the time of purchase) between the Start Time and the End Time listed when purchasing your subscription. Most Premium Parking subscriptions renew automatically. If your subscription renews automatically, it will renew for an unlimited number of renewal periods equivalent in duration to the difference between the Start Time and the End Time of your original subscription purchase, unless cancelled according to the terms listed below. For example, a subscription with Start Time May 24, 2026, 12:01 AM CDT, and End Time April 24, 2026, 12:01 AM CDT may automatically renew each month on the 24th until cancelled; and a subscription with Start Time December 18, 2025, 12:01 AM PST, and End Time December 18, 2026, 12:01 AM PST, may automatically renew each year on December 18 until cancelled.


By signing up for a subscription and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to have your subscription automatically renew as described above. You also agree to have your credit card information stored by our third-party credit card processing provider. We do not store any of your financial information – we only store what is needed for account setup (your name, contact information, vehicle information including license plate number, etc.). 


Your validation, or ‘parking pass’, is your license plate number. If, for any reason, you need to change the license plate or vehicle associated with your account, simply log in to your Premium Parking account and change the vehicle information. You can change license plates at any time during a billing period; changes are reflected in the enforcement system immediately. Failure to keep license plate information up to date may result in enforcement action, including by citation, immobilization, or towing of your vehicle.


If, at any time, you would like to cancel your subscription, you may do so with no cancellation fee. 
You must cancel before renewal if you do not wish to be charged for future renewal periods. When you cancel a parking subscription, you will still have full use of your parking subscription until the End Time of that term period. All subscription purchases are final. There are no refunds once a subscription is purchased, even if you cancel prior to the subscription end date. Rates are subject to change at any given time. Notice will be provided via email for any changes prior to renewal. 


Your subscription allows you to park one vehicle in one parking space only at any given time. You may associate up to three vehicles with a single subscription, but only one vehicle can be on the location at a time.

The use of any subscription is subject to the rules and procedures of the location and to the terms of the subscription itself. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

  • A non-reserved subscription cannot be used to park in a reserved space.
  • A subscription cannot be used to park on a floor of a garage signed "Daily or visitor parking only", or similar.
  • A Monday-Friday subscription cannot be used to park on a Saturday or Sunday.
  • A regular subscription cannot be used to park in an EV charging space.
  • A 7th-floor-only subscription cannot be used to park on the 6th floor (or any other floor which isn't the 7th floor).
  • A subscription for location P101 cannot be used to park at location P110 (or any other location which isn't P101).
  • A subscription may not be used to park in Star Spaces®.


Your subscription (whether it is reserved or non-reserved) is not a 24/7/365 guarantee. You may be excluded from parking during special events, including without limitation special events occurring in the vicinity of the location, special events which occur at the location itself, and repair and maintenance work at the locationWe will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you by email in advance of any such event. If you fail to remove your vehicle from the location by the time communicated in the notification, your vehicle may be towed at your expense.


Non-reserved subscriptions do not guarantee that space will be available. If you arrive at the location and find that no space is available, please call the Product Experience team at 844-236-2011, and we will make every effort to accommodate you, including by providing complimentary parking at a nearby Premium location if one is available. 


After purchase, please refer to your email receipt for more instructions. 

If you park on an unattended lot or in an unattended garage and you retain your car keys, no contract of deposit or bailment is created but only one of hiring or letting out of space. We are not responsible for losses resulting from theft, vandalism, or property damage to your vehicle or its contents. 


PARKING IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. You cannot transfer parking to other locations. If you cannot park at your location for any reason, please contact us at 844-236-2011 or support@premiumparking.com. 


This application may be used as a component of parking enforcement in which automated vehicle photo identification is utilized, including to provide access to the vehicle owner’s information, including name and address. The user of the application and all occupants of vehicles entering facilities where it is used acknowledge that their likenesses may be captured by the automated vehicle photo identification process and hereby consent to the same. If you utilize this application or park in our locations, you and all occupants of the vehicle consent, pursuant to the requirements of all state and federal laws, to Premium, MPS, their clients, and their agents obtaining your vehicle registration owner information, including name and address. This information is used for the sole purpose of collecting unpaid parking fees, violation fees, or invoice fees by sending Notices. These notices may be in the form of text messages, emails, USPS mail, or other forms of written communication sent to the registered owner of the vehicle or registered user of the application. Notices unpaid may be referred for collection to a debt collector and may subject the vehicle to towing or booting.

We may disclose information about you or your vehicle, including information you provide using our applications, to our clients and to third-party service providers to ensure your compliance with these terms and the rules of the parking facility and, where applicable, to enable enforcement of applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.


Your use of our services is subject to Premium Parking’s Terms and Conditions, available at www.premiumparking.com/conditions.